All articles by Andrew Barber

  • Google plus icon

    +1 your business with Google Plus


    Google Plus (or Google+) is the search giants own social media platform which was launched in June of last year. It is estimated to be getting around an additional 625,000 new users each day and is changing the way Google works and how businesses are promoting their goods and services. ...

  • Blogs

    Read all about it.


    If nothing else, the arrest of the Tchenguiz brothers on the 9th of March illustrated just how deeply digital communication has become embedded in the property sector. One of my abiding memories of MIPIM 2011 will be the astonished conversations that morning, most of which seemed to start with the ...

  • Blogs

    Warning: Google targets “low quality” websites.


    In the past week Google, the world’s favourite search engine, has made some “pretty big” changes to its search algorithm in a move targeting “low quality” websites and punishing them by reducing their search engine rankings.

  • Blogs

    Google Instant - online search just became faster


    Google has introduced an enhanced service - "Google Instant" aimed at speeding up our online searches.

  • Blogs

    Online search - the biggest business story of the next decade?


    The BBC's Rory Cellan Jones suggests that the battle between the old and new models of online search "is going to be one of the biggest business stories of the next decade". If so - what will be the impact on the marketing of commercial property and the ...

  • Blogs

    The ups and downs of online search


    The volume of online searches conducted on Google that relate to commercial property in the UK have leveled out in recent months - but do undelying trends within the figures point to what the market is doing?

  • Blogs

    Google launches property search in the UK


    Google has launched a property search facility in the UK

  • Google's Logo

    Google's new search engine. Time to wake up and smell the coffee.


    Google, the world's favorite search engine, has in the past week announced the launch of its new search engine, which it is calling "Caffeine".

  • Blogs

    Does utopia resemble a hotel lobby?


    With politics dominating the media over the past few weeks the recent publication of a report by Microsoft suggesting that organisations must adopt a ‘hybrid’ model of operation to remain “responsive to change” caught my eye - offering some light relief from the shenanigans of Westminster. My first thought ...

  • Blogs

    Google’s Real Estate Search in the UK – it’s coming sometime (soon maybe?)


    Back in January I wrote on these pages about reports that Google was turning its attention to the UK property market and the rumours that it was looking to bring its “Real Estate Search” to these shores following its introduction in the USA and Australia. Around that time it was ...

  • Blogs

    Shed loads of online property searches (and things to look out for).


    “Shed Shifters” reading this will be pleased to learn that the search levels on Google for industrial, warehousing and manufacturing properties are currently enjoying a bit of a surge, with the volume of searches in this sector during February reaching levels not seen since the first quarter of 2009. The ...

  • Blogs

    Online property searches and the buzz about Google


    In my last blog on these pages I wrote about a spike in the number of online searches regarding retail property conducted between Christmas and the New Year. Sadly, for all retail agents and landlords, I have to report that this surge was not sustained far into January and interest ...

  • Blogs

    No festive hangover for online property searches


    Over the past few weeks every man and his dog seems to have been speculating on what we can look forward to in the New Year and even the next decade. Those who know me well would tell you that I often have difficulty foreseeing what I am going ...

  • Blogs

    “Real-Time” Search and the property market


    Harold Wilson was once attributed with saying: “A week is a long time in politics”. Over the past week this could also be said of the world of search engines - as first Google and then, just days later, Yahoo announced that they were both launching “real-time” ...

  • Blogs

    Search engines – Property - Something Digital – Blah, Blah, Blah


    Everyone knows about Google. Most of us use it on a daily basis and each time we do the phrases and words that we use are recorded and collated by the world’s favourite search engine. This information is then made available to businesses and individuals choosing to advertise on Google ...