All articles by Paul Woods, CgMs

  • Insight

    Planning: Storms over the south-east

    17 November 2000

    Differences between Surrey's planning strategy and the government's RPG could lead to problems.

  • Markets

    Planning: the region is beginning to recognise the importance of new technology

    24 March 2000

    The region s economy has long been dominated by manufacturing industry, with 27% of the local workforce directly employed in the sector. While restructuring has benefited some traditional manufacturing sectors, regional planning guidance acknowledges that the area must respond to new technologies and diversify into areas of manufacturing that demonstrate ...

  • Markets


    26 March 1999

    The centres of Birmingham and West Bromwich are preparing for end-of-the-century investment. In Birmingham, retail demand remains strong, with a number of schemes either recently completed or coming forward for development. The city council was one of the first unitary authorities to adopt its Unitary Development Plan in July 1993. ...

  • Markets


    8 January 1999

    Cheshire County Council is well advanced in putting into place a strategic framework for the period up to 2011. The Cheshire Structure Plan document, Cheshire 2011, is due to be adopted early this year, although the process has not been without some heated debate along the way. Regional planning guidance ...