All articles by Simon Palmer, CgMS

  • Markets

    Planning: joint body should provide steady structure

    29 September 2000

    Draft RPG13, the Regional Planning Guidance for the south-west, completed its Examination in Public in April. The panel report has been submitted to the secretary of state whose comments are expected by 2001. Following the abolition of Avon County Council in 1996, the four local authorities within Avon have compiled ...

  • Markets

    Planning: City on form in planning applications league

    15 September 2000

    Members of the Greater London Assembly approved the timetable for its Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) in July. A Consultation Draft is expected in May 2001, aiming for adoption in September 2002. The Corporation of London s UDP Review is also under way and the consultation period for the First Draft ...

  • Markets

    Planning: speedy responses from Barrow-in-Furness Borough Council

    18 August 2000

    Cumbrian councils are in the top ten of the application-determining league table. The recently released league tables show that Barrow-in-Furness Borough Council came ninth out of all local authorities with almost 86% of applications being determined within the statutory eight week period. A number of the district councils have important ...

  • Markets

    Planning Taken to task

    31 March 2000

    Yorkshire is adopting Urban Task Initiatives to kick-start regeneration.

  • Markets

    Planning: important implications for regeneration

    17 March 2000

    A proposal for 2,500 houses and A business park north of Newcastle was recently referred to the secretary of state. A development partnership agreement is being drawn up alongside the legal agreement, to ensure the consortium aids housebuilding on brownfield sites. The council aims to maintain its ratio of 60:40 ...

  • Markets

    South-west’s good retail catch

    7 January 2000

    Retail developments in Somerset, Devon and Cornwall have large catchment areas the average distance travelled is 10% above the national average, 90% of which is by private vehicle. These large catchment areas and numbers of tourists make this part of the south-west attractive to factory outlet centre (FOC) ...