It is inevitable there will be different views on the design of any new buildings; tall buildings open up the debate to a wider audience because they are visible to more people (Feedback, 19.02.16).

Paddington tower

As we attempt to accommodate London’s growth, we need to raise the level of debate and better ascertain the benefits and disbenefits of densification.

Research undertaken by the Greater London Authority and New London Architecture (NLA) suggests that most Londoners are less concerned with the height of buildings than the furore over the Paddington tower (pictured) would suggest. What they are most concerned with is how these buildings fit into the wider context.

Towers can be a positive addition to the skyline - we have to make sure they are well designed with good proportions and elegant forms. They must also hit the ground well, so that they respond to the scale of the surrounding area and they create active streets.

Towers that enhance the skyline are generally enjoyed by Londoners, and to have them coming into view across the city can be a delight rather than an eyesore.

People are also concerned about how towers hit the ground - at Paddington the dirty and dangerous entrance to the station will be transformed by the public spaces created as part of the new development.

Paddington is a natural place for a cluster of towers, and the City of Westminster should set out clear guidelines for its future development.

Peter Murray, chairman, NLA