I hope and pray that our warring political class wake up to the fact that their prejudices are combining in a no-win tug of war while the nation slips over the edge into a no-deal Brexit abyss. Never has the nation been so badly let down.

Ben Derbyshire

I hope that the housing minister is not seduced by the siren voices of mandarins of specific architectural styles when it comes to designing homes. Instead, we need further substantive policy change to curb land value speculation, release public money for quality affordable homes and act as a serious stimulus for offsite-manufactured housing, such as those schemes we are pioneering at HTA Design.

The past 18 months have not been a good advert for this country as a place to live, work or invest. It’s not just a question of politics; it’s about people – and I fear that our politicians have lost sight of how much industries like ours depend on the people who work in it.

Resolution: I intend to see through a range of measures aimed under key themes of my presidency at RIBA. We aim to mainstream the practice of post-occupancy evaluation in the industry. At present, less than 5% of practices routinely carry out meaningful inspections of their finished work. The starting point will be a template all architects and their clients can use. Then we can build up the research, knowledge and information available from the RIBA that will support the profession. We will also work hard to make the profession more inclusive.

Ben Derbyshire, president, RIBA, and chair at HTA Design

2019 forecasts: what lies ahead