John Lewis

  • News

    Sequential test for offices ruled out

    2 February 2001

    The government has ruled out the introduction of the 'sequential test' to office developments on greenfield sites.

  • News

    Chancellor to give developers regeneration tax incentives


    Lord Rogers’ Urban Task Force wins battle with Gordon Brown for zero VAT on refurbishments and conversions

  • News

    Prezza’s hard on green issue

    19 May 2000

    The directive from environment secretary Prescott is a response to a report from the House of Commons Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Select Committee. The committee had expressed concerns that the DETR and DTI were interpreting PPG6 inconsistently.

  • News

    New row over 1.1m homes

    3 December 1999

    Professor Stephen Crow, a former chief planning inspector, told the House of Commons Environment, Transport and the Regions select committee last week that SERPLAN is too biased towards the protection of the Countryside.

  • News

    Licensing on the cards for 'slum' landlords

    12 February 1999

    The minister told the Local Government  Association conference last week that for too long, housing policies had been on the margins of economic and social policies. New Labour was now committed to the 'Third Way' which put the citizen at the centre and regulated only where necessary, she said.