A joint public inquiry into plans to develop three areas of Daventry, Northamptonshire has been re-scheduled for 20 January next year, a week later than expected.

Five appeals will be heard against non-determination of planning applications for developments at Danetree, Church Fields and Monksmoor Farm.

There are five appeals for three sites, as two of the sites are split between the jurisdictions of Daventry District Council and West Northamptonshire Development Corporation.

The re-scheduled public inquiry will be held in the Sturtridge Suite, at Franklins Gardens, Weedon Road, Northampton, where the planning inspector will look over the plans before reporting to the secretary of state, Hazel Blears for a final determination.

Next Monday, 17 November, Daventry District Council and West Northamptonshire Development Corporation, plus the appellants and other interested parties, will meet for a second time with the planning inspectorate for pre-inquiry discussions. The meeting is open to the public.