Tomorrow English Heritage and Sustainability South West will launch Heritage Counts, a report detailing the state of the region's historic environment, highlighting the effect of climate change on the country's heritage and detailing how historic sites can be part of the solution to tackling environmental issues.

The launch will take place at Gants Mill, an historic water mill which has converted to hydropower, using the adjacent river.

The hydropower project was part of a wider partnership of historic mill owners set up by South Somerset District Council.

The report emphasises the role heritage organisations can play including: through improving energy efficiency of older buildings, experimenting with new technologies on historic properties they manage, to inspiring the public to change their behaviour on energy consumption.

Andrew Vines, regional director for English Heritage in the South West, said: ‘The region’s built heritage is a finite and precious resource and we must recognise that the re-use and recycling of older buildings is both responsible and sustainable.

‘The South West has a significant proportion of England’s historic assets, particularly scheduled monuments and designated wreck sites, and it is important that we recognise the need to protect our heritage from future environmental damage. But we also have a wide range of examples of places, such as Gants Mill, which are working to adapt to these new challenges and serve as examples of good practice for other historical sites across the region.’