Sir Michael Lyons told the Financial Times yesterday that his recommendations for local government funding were still very much under consideration.

His 400-page interim report was published on Budget day and was, as a result, largely overlooked.

Indeed, on the day ministers reiterated that they had ruled out a revaluation of council tax, or the new bands recommended by Lyons, at least until the next parliament. They also opted to retain capping and rejected his ideas for a tourism tax and an independent commission to judge whether central government is paying local authorities enough for the services ministers demand.

However, among the issue that remain ‘live’ for consideration are changes to empty property tax relief, proposals for a supplementary business rate and new incentives that would allow councils to keep more in extra taxation, or gain more in grant, when they help generate local economic development.

There is also the promise of ‘a clear target’ to reduce specific grants and ring-fenced funding, giving councils more flexibility.