One in twenty annual home acquisitions in 'polluted postcodes'

London pollution

Homebuyers spent a total of £24.9bn on properties in polluted areas across England and Wales last year according to new analysis by Future Climate Info.

One in every 20 home buying transactions were in postcodes where nitrogen dioxide levels exceed annual legal pollution limits according to the environmental analysis. Property data from HM Land Registry combined with environmental data from EarthSense Systems on average nitrogen dioxide produced by vehicle emissions also revealed 48% of London postcodes are likely to exceed annual legal pollution limits.

Among 850,000 homes that changed hands in England and Wales during 2017, nearly 41,500 were in areas considered polluted and worsening in peak traffic and stagnant weather conditions. The average price for those properties was £601,109 and FCI researchers suggest some buyers pay a “pollution premium” for poor quality air.

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