As part of Property Week’s annual preview feature we asked some of the industry’s leading lights to list their personal and/or professional resolutions for the new year. This is what they said…

New years resolution

Source: Shutterstock/ Rembolle

Adam Goldin

Head of UK, CC Land

On a personal level, my 2021 resolution is to continue to serve our occupiers and move towards our aspiration of becoming a first-class custodian, giving our communities the environment to attract best in class talent. Furthermore, to help our mixed-use developments at Whiteley’s and Nine Elms take shape and see further progress in 2021.

Lynda Shillaw

Chief executive, Harworth Group

Selfishly I have two resolutions. My first is to ensure that Harworth is central to the government’s plan to rebalance the economy in the regions that we operate. I am committed to working with government to developing a system that enables this to happen on the ground and sees that financial assistance is driven into the developments and local economies that need it the most. My second resolution is to crack on and complete my couch to 10k challenge which has stalled in the early weeks of my new role, and the winter months are not at all conducive to this!

Manish Chande

Manish Chande

Senior partner, Clearbell

My new year’s resolution is wishing that lockdown restrictions are able to be lifted to enable me to spend time with my 22-month old grandson and one-month old granddaughter.

Neil Sinclair

CEO, Palace Capital

We are proud of our charitable endeavours and in 2021 we will go that extra mile to help those less fortunate, particularly children. From a business perspective, we have made strides in our efforts to be more diverse and in the last 18 months we have appointed two exceptional female non-executive directors. In 2021, we will remain focused on this and on enhancing our ESG credentials, particularly given the clear dangers and implications of climate change.

Ross Blair

Senior managing director and country head, Hines UK

To keep up my new found exercise regime developed during lockdown! Professionally, I’ve enjoyed learning about a variety of non-real estate topics throughout 2020 as we invited a series of guest speakers into our virtual team meetings – I’d like to continue that going forward as we are all guilty of being blinkered to the outside world when busy with the ‘day job’.

Richard Morris

Director, technologywithin

To prioritise connecting with family, friends and colleagues. technologywithin launched our virtual meeting room platform, twiinmeet, this year and seeing how our team and clients reacted to the product has reaffirmed for me the importance of taking time to get in touch and stay connected with the people around us, especially after the challenges of this year.

elisabeth Kohlbach

Elisabeth Kohlbach

Co-founder, Skwire

At Skwire, we want to keep renters’ needs firmly in focus in 2021. While the government has promised a redoubling of efforts to help people onto the housing ladder, it remains crucial to recognise that many people still want to rent, and that those people deserve high-quality homes they can afford. We will therefore maintain our emphasis on flexibility, customisability, and responsive support, offering tenants the opportunity to craft their rental experience according to their own needs and preferences.

Elliott Sparsis

Head of UK, Convene

Continue to focus on what the customer wants. We must build and operate space to accommodate an extremely diverse geographic client base who’s needs vary day by day. It’s set to be a busy year ahead, with the opening of our first UK Convene locations and the arrival of my third child.

David Workman

Senior Partner, Workman LLP

To continue to invest in future talent. Our people are the drivers of positive change and I’m immensely proud of the energy, determination and commitment our teams have brought to work every day during the pandemic. Investing in talent to support the future of the industry is essential, and we’re continuing to operate comprehensive and highly regarded graduate training and apprenticeships programmes. Indeed, we are preparing to welcome 20 new graduates this January. While their onboarding will be under different circumstances, I am as committed as ever in 2021 to getting to know each new graduate, and being part of their professional journey with us.

Alice Lamb

Alice Lamb

Deputy chief executive, LandAid

As deputy chief executive of LandAid, I couldn’t be prouder of what the charity and our team has achieved this year. I don’t think we ever imagined we would raise £1m for our emergency fund when it launched- but we did it! And every penny of this has helped those most in need this year. But watch this space. We’ve got some exciting things coming up in 2021 - in March there’ll be the opportunity for you to join our virtual SleepOuts with your families, an opportunity, with our help, to speak to your loved ones about one of our biggest social issues.

Conrad Davies

Head of urban dynamics, Osborne Clarke

Given we’re likely to be working in a Covid hybrid environment for a while this year, it will continue to be hugely important to our business that we work hard to maintain and improve our open and inclusive culture. And outside of work, I would like to improve the golf handicap too.

Mark Buddle

Partner and head of residential development, Bidwells

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government will soon be announcing its consultation on a spatial framework for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc. We, as a business, are committed to playing our full role in helping government make good progress on this initiative next year to ensure our region leads the UK’s economic recovery.

Christian Jamison

Managing partner, Valor Real Estate Partners

To invest a substantial portion of our new capital commitment by maintaining our strong investment volume in London and Paris and growing our presence in Germany’s big five cities. I also expect we will undertake more development to meet occupational demand in these supply constrained submarkets.

I would also like 2021 to include more face-to-face meetings and less Zoom! And personally I want to maintain my lockdown instigated daily jogs and I look forward to travelling more with the family.

Lynne Lister, Managing Director of X-Press Legal Services

Lynne Lister

My personal resolution for 2021 is to spend as much time with family as I can when the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. We’ve missed out on some major landmark celebrations this year as a family which we need to re-organise. I am fortunate that I work with my husband and many children so have been able to continue to see them on a regular basis, but not being seeing my grandchildren has been difficult and next year is definitely about spending more quality time with each other. On the professional front, I resolve to continue to support our network of owners with investment in remote and secure technology. Our investment in secure remote onboarding and id-checking and securing Cyber Essentials Plus certification during lockdown has enabled us to continue to operate and support the conveyancing sector and reduce our risk from cybercriminals.

Jeff Hobby

CEO, Dunmoore

It is vital that we address diversity and inclusion in our industry. Through an initiative started by the Chartered Surveyors’ Company in collaboration with Pathways to Property, we are going to provide an undergraduate bursary to a young person from a disadvantaged background to attend university. We will also provide mentoring and work experience for that person to enable them to have a career in property.

Mike Pegler

Head of UK, Kennedy Wilson Europe

My resolution is to make an effort to appreciate life’s many day-to-day small pleasures (some of which we have been denied to some extent in 2020). I think we’ve all been given some perspective by the experiences of the past 12 months, so I plan to spend less time getting frustrated with small problems and more time and energy making things better.

Abigail Dean

Global head of sustainability, Nuveen Real Estate

Having launched Impact Capital Group at the start of 2020, our purpose continues to be a part of a forward-thinking global solution, which tackles the great emergencies of our time - climate change, housing and public health - in the development and construction sector. On a personal level, it is my new year’s resolution to continue along this path of positive change, leading our vision and operations at Impact Capital Group and all its subsidiaries to contribute to a better future.

Zac Goodman

Principal, NorthHill

Roll on the roaring 20’s – a new decade, in a post-Covid world, where we can meet up when we want, shake hands and reconnect with our friends, teammates, clients, occupants without fear or limitation.

Richard Angliss

CEO, leasle

Successful business relationships will continue to be based on trust, respect and ‘do what you say’ delivery, all things which are better built and demonstrated in person; I cannot wait to get properly out and about again so my resolution is to make the most of the new opportunities which will come to do just that.

Alex McCulloch

Director, CACI

2021 will be a year of revolution not evolution. Following the vaccine, I would like to see people re-engaging with high streets, shops, offices and public spaces, but this is not likely to happen until next Summer and will be very different from 2019. For me personally, I have become more in tune with my community and want to continue supporting innovative and local traders that are adopting an ethical approach to doing business.

Andrew Roughan

Andrew Roughan

MD, Plexal

2020 has shown us the value of communities and I intend to build on this within Plexal in 2021. This year was difficult for all of us and it taught us how to share concerns and to collaborate to mutual gain. It’s no longer enough to just be a place where people work – a working environment should support its members and champion their needs as much as their own.

Philip Gadsden

Managing partner, Orchard Street Investment Management

The year 2020 became the year of all work and not much play. Not much good for anyone’s mental wellbeing. So 2021 will be the year when Orchard Street creates a new post-Covid approach to working and living for our people. Where office and home working blend seamlessly and where innovation and collaboration is the reward for commuting. And where everyone can re-discover a holiday. I have a small vested interest in getting that right.

Stephen Oakenfull


As this year will be my first as CEO, my focus will be on reshaping the business for the benefit of our shareholders and employees. While there are lots of challenges ahead, we have managed to strengthen the balance sheet, create significant liquidity and reposition the portfolio to structurally supported sectors with a full exit from the retail sector expected this year. Having taken up mountain biking during the first lockdown, my personal resolution is to match my ambitions with fitness and skills i.e. fall off a lot less!

Paul Arenson

CEO, Stenprop

We will continue to push the envelope of striving for innovation and digital transformation within the multi-let industrial sector. The businesses with a technology and data culture coupled with a culture of challenging the way things have been done in the past, will be the ones that will emerge from the pandemic more quickly and more successfully. The pandemic has shaken the property industry from its complacency and will be a force for structural change across all sectors going forward.

Marc Vlessing

CEO, Pocket Living

In 2021, we will deliver our 1000th home in London. This is a fantastic achievement and has been an amazing journey and we are grateful to the Mayor of London and Homes England in helping us to do this. The affordability crisis is not just confined to the capital and next year we want to be able to offer first time buyers in other key cities the opportunity to own a home. Watch this space!

Ros Morgan

Ros Morgan

Chief Executive, Heart of London Business Alliance

Last year we worked closely with other BIDs, MPs and London authorities towards a mutual goal – to support London’s cultural sector throughout the pandemic. My resolution for 2021 is to continue to nurture these collaborative relationships so that together we have the power to ensure that the government better understands the challenges facing businesses in central London. I hope that this understanding will then translate into the support measures that the West End needs to weather the pandemic.

Andrew Shepherd

Managing director, TopHat

We need to get younger people excited about construction. Our resolution is to carry on investing in technology to make housebuilding a sector that captures the imagination and can rival others in the competition for young talent.

Robert Godwin

Managing director at Lamington Group and room2

My goal for this year is to continue focusing on how best to adopt innovative approaches within our business model, despite the continued challenging times. Above all else, the pandemic has reinforced the need to remain nimble and supportive of change, adapting to ensure we are ready to grasp opportunities that arise. Despite the backdrop, we must remain optimistic and eagle-eyed to the smallest of market and consumer changes, to ensure we are constantly evolving our business and emerging from this crisis stronger.

Hugo Llewelyn

Hugo Llewelyn

CEO, Newcore Capital Management

My resolution is to use my own money and energy, combined with Newcore’s reach, firepower and regeneration skills, to help put right some of the serious social injustice that we see in the UK today. And also to contribute our part to the green revolution. I think that after what UK society has been through this year, it would be unconscionable not to.

David Turner

Founding partner, Brunswick Property Partners

Having beaten all the challenges Covid has thrown at me on a personal and professional level this year, I am determined to come back in 2021 bigger, stronger and more determined than ever to ensure that my colleagues and everyone who works with Brunswick Property Partners has one of the best years ever. Given lockdown has caused me to become a little bigger this year, my other new year’s resolution is to get super fit.

Nadav Livni

Managing director, Hillview Real Estate

I am a passionate advocate of the government’s commitment to wiping out regional inequality through its ‘levelling up’ agenda and plan to spend more time engaging with the Northern Powerhouse Partnership team, as well as with mayors of regional cities so that our team can play a pivotal role of providing office space for companies in high-growth sectors. On a personal level, having spent 2020 WFH in a multi-generational household and experiencing first-hand some of the trials and tribulations that came with it, I intend to remain engaged and reciprocate the strong relationships from friends and colleagues.

Rob Wilkinson

European CEO, AEW

As an industry we have so far still to go in terms of diversity and inclusion. I believe the will is there amongst many in our industry what we need now is the way. I hope to be able to show demonstrable signs of progress in this area at AEW.

Angelica Donati

Angelica Donati

CEO, Donati Immobiliare Group

My resolution for the new year is to keep looking at the bright side! 2020 was a hard year for us all, especially from a mental health perspective. It is important to keep things in perspective and realise that those of us who have a stable income, a home, and full stomachs are amongst the lucky few in this pandemic. Though the lack of social contact has been devastating for us all, it is essential to remember that this is not for ever, and not to give up hope.

James Raven

CEO, Arlington

I will ensure Arlington focusses to an even greater extent on customer service, networking and knowledge transfer, quality and creating a positive working experience, and that we are ahead of the curve when it comes to our low carbon initiatives. 2020 forced us to spend more time within our family units, and to slow the pace of life and do things together that we would never normally get time to do in our hectic schedules. I want us to continue the good bits, but I think my wife definitely wants my study – or should I say her sewing room – back.

John Webber

Head of business rates, Colliers International

Professionally: help address the mental health crisis created by Covid 19 – particularly in young people; by supporting them get into work and into an office environment. Graduates in 2021 will compete for jobs with 2020 graduates who had to postpone start dates. Employers should use this labour pool to improve the services delivered to clients – or a whole group of talented young people will feel disenfranchised. I also want to encourage surveyors to go into schools in working class areas to show that the property industry is not inaccessible. Personally: Jack Grealish of Aston Villa rejects another offer from Daniel Levy of Tottenham

Steve Coulson

Steve Coulson

CEO, Kitt

To paraphrase a well-known quote: to accept the things I cannot change, have courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference! It is easy during challenging times to feel like the underlying foundations of business and life have been so shaken that you end up throwing the baby out with the bathwater. In reality, all Covid has done is accelerate existing trends; if you were right about something before Covid, you are even more right now and vice versa.

Sascha Lewin

CEO and founder, W.RE

The new year is the perfect time to reflect on our business objectives and to say thank you to the W.RE team and everyone who we have the pleasure to be working together with. Oh, lest I forget – I also hope to find the time (Covid dependent) for a week long alpine ski-tour with my sons.

Cristina Garcia-Peri

Partner and head of corporate development and strategy, Azora Capital

It is my hope that the restrictions that we have been subject to due to the pandemic will make us all defend and protect our freedom and realise how important that is. Professionally, Azora´s goal is to continue building our international presence. We have invested and are investing on a pan-European basis across a number of verticals, but we believe the opportunity to expand our footprint is huge and I’m looking forward to pushing that strongly next year.

Adrian Barlow

National head of real estate, Irwin Mitchell

My professional new year’s resolution is to steal a march in the ‘new’ post-Covid world, making my practice more relevant to clients’ changing needs, adding value to the way they work. Things won’t revert to exactly as they were before. Lawyers will need to learn to adapt their skills and to market differently, making new contacts in a ‘virtual’ world, as well as a physical one. Personally, this period has taught me the value of what is dear. I am determined to spend more time with people I care about- as none of us can predict what the future holds.

Rick de Blaby Get Living

Rick De Blaby

CEO, Get Living

If I have to declare a resolution, it might be to value and be thankful for the health, wealth and friendships one enjoys and to use those things to be a force for good in the world, in whatever way possible, modest or otherwise.

Rui Inàcio

Deputy CEO, Stoneweg

We have an exceptional and growing team so I hope to be able to delegate more in 2021. By working in lots of different locations for the majority of this year, it has shown the importance of being surrounded by colleagues you can trust and we are lucky to have that at Stoneweg. From a business perspective I also hope that we will be able to expand our research output to keep our investors updated on macro trends and how our strategies play into these.

Ted Schama

Managing director, Shelley Sandzer

My resolution must be to support the sector even more as a consumer at home, locally, and in central London where we work and play. There are some really exciting things happening in hospitality, including some new entrants to the UK that have taken the plunge and done deals during the most challenging period for the industry in my lifetime. They need support, and in 2021 they’ll certainly have mine.

Yuichiro Shioda

Managing director and CEO, Mitsubishi Estate London

After a difficult year, the Mitsubishi Estate London team all have the same resolution: to make progress on our schemes across the capital. Work is ongoing on our 8 Bishopsgate development, a new landmark tower for the City of London, and the refurbishment of Warwick Court will rejuvenate an office in an iconic location overlooking St Paul’s Cathedral. South of the river, the London Studios scheme being undertaken with CO-RE is a very exciting project, while our new build-to-rent residential schemes at Nine Elms Park and Morello in Croydon represent our first moves into this asset class in the UK.

Darren Williamson

National head of real estate, Freeths

As a business to make sure we continue to listen: to the market, to our clients and to our people. You can’t give people what they want if you don’t. To be open minded about new technology and brave in investing when the time is right. Personally, to try to get more of a balance between work and play. I really need to do more work…

Kenneth MacKenzie

Kenneth MacKenzie

Chief executive officer, Target Fund Managers

We look forward to continuing on our mission supporting our tenants and carers in providing safe holistic care and appropriate accommodation for the frail and needy in our society. A sure sign of Societal Values are how it cares for the weakest and most vulnerable. A powerful driver for the Target team is the holistic mission we are living, a mission of consistently managing real estate for investors, investing in care, and delivering returns. This accords so well with the current focus on ESG, and we will be able to demonstrate in 2021 our strong alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Martin Roberts

Principal and co-founder, Addington Capital

My resolution for 2021 is to embrace the huge changes that 2020 has delivered and turn these into new opportunities and focus for our business, in particular the opportunities in developing quality BTR and re-purposing retail. That means bringing forward new talent on our graduate programme and focussing on improving our analysis and delivery to our partners and stakeholders in everything that we do.

Adam Cunnington

CEO, Public Sector Plc

The coronavirus lockdown brought sweeping changes to the way the team at Public Sector Plc operates. In the midst of all of the bad news around the pandemic, this turned out to be good news for our team. We worked really hard to keep the team together, to keep in touch with colleagues and to see each other through the challenges we faced. As restrictions start to lift at some point next year, my resolution is to hold on to all of the good stuff and not lose that powerful sense of oneness and cohesion that we created.”

Barry Jessup

Barry Jessup

Director, First Base

My new year’s resolution for 2021 is both a personal and a business one: to have more confidence in our convictions, and to boldly progress good ideas even in the face of industry scepticism and lethargy. There is plenty of ingenuity in the real estate sector, but also a preponderance of conservatism and fear. To make significant contributions to many of the economic, environmental and social issues that we are facing, we need to take giant strides, not tiptoe forward with our eyes closed. Some of the solutions are available to us, but we need to be more audacious.

Samar Shaheryar

COO, Spring

2021 is all about people. I want to see my close friends and family who are scattered all over the world. I want to see my team. Go for after-work drinks. Have a brainstorm in person. Hear the buzz of the office again. Be struck by a genius idea after overhearing a conversation at the tea station. My resolution is to not take any of that for granted again. As a manager, I’ll continue to focus on our employees’ wellbeing, especially their mental health. Happy employees are the secret sauce to happy customers.

Angus Henderson

Head of business development, BMO Real Estate Partners.

Simply to enjoy seeing friends and family when we can! We have all learnt that there is no substitute for catching up physically whether it be professional or social.

Matt Coulson

Matt Coulson

CEO, Chiswick Park Enjoy-Work

We will continue to adapt our business as needed as we ‘lead the way’ in creating the optimum environment for our guests. Our guest-centric approach will remain, and we will maintain an open dialogue with our community to keep everyone engaged and safe. 2020 taught us to be prepared for the unexpected. As always, we will plan and work together as a team to make the best out of the situation.

Brian Welsh

CEO, Nido Student

We have always embraced a student-first ethos at Nido Student and will continue to do so throughout 2021. While a heavy focus of wellbeing, connectivity and security have long-been defining features of Nido’s approach, we will continue to refine and improve our offering to students over the course of next year. We will also continue our frequent engagement with students via polls and surveys, which is key to gaining a more granular understanding of their wants and needs and, ultimately, delivering best-in-class student accommodation.

Matt Slade

Retail director, Quintain

I will be ruthless with time and take back control of my work/life balance which has been so very disrupted by remote working. My resolution to support local retailers and high streets is firmly in place. Lockdown forced many of us to turn to online retail, but I’ve seen a resilience in physical stores. The retailers that think outside the box, better serving their customers and bringing joy to us in our limited downtime, are those that will draw me in. This will help me promote balance in my personal life and inspire me with ideas for my professional life.”

Steven Charlton

Steven Charlton

Managing director, Perkins&Will

Covid-19 highlighted the importance of sustainability. We understand the impact our sector has and the important role designers play creating more sustainable environments. That is why in 2019 we pledged to design and build net-zero buildings and this year went one step further and additionally pledged to deliver net-zero interior projects. The focus on sustainability and net-zero carbon will go beyond 2021, not only to meet the demands of the ‘new normal’ but, to improve the way we live and work for generations to come and the moment to do this is now and not tomorrow.

Harry Fenner

CEO, Navana Property Group

Time and time again we see once-successful businesses fall down because they fail to listen, innovate and reinvent. If I had to provide one resolution that underpins all of Navana’s planning for 2021, including building on our progress in BTR and mixed use, it would be to never lose focus on understanding people. What makes people tick? How is that evolving and how can we shape places around it? I have always felt that if you keep yourself pointed in that direction, you can’t go too far wrong.

Julia Wilkinson

Restaurant director, Shaftesbury

To play my part in reigniting London’s West End during the crucial recovery period ahead. That means encouraging people safely back to their workplaces and also to socialise, shop and return to the West End’s incredible cultural and entertainment destinations once more. l am also looking forward to working with our determined and resourceful tenants while they get back on track and to continue to attract best in class new operators to our villages, whilst spending as much time there as possible myself.

Niall Gaffney


For 2021, we will continue to leverage the findings of our ‘Making Place’ research report in the development and regeneration of our portfolio. We have a number of projects of scale under construction – notably 600,000 sq ft at Wilton Park – and have planning to regenerate a number of other assets. As we identified in ‘Making Place, there are economic, social and cultural factors which underpin the importance of the workplace. For IPUT Real Estate, 2021 will be about embedding those findings into our current and future development projects and building long-term resilience into our portfolio.

Simon Prichard

Senior partner, Gerald Eve

My resolution, both professional and personal, is to see more people this year. Whether that’s clients, my colleagues, or family and friends, after a year like this I’ll never moan about ‘having’ to see someone again. To be part of a large gathering again – be it at a wedding, a conference of something larger like a sporting event – will be quite a cathartic moment. This has been a year like no other, and we have all learnt a lot about ourselves and our priorities – my own philosophy is that we must have fun in ’21.

Rob Bower

Rob Bower

Managing partner, Montagu Evans

It’s become clearer to me over the last year how important open communication is to a business and its people. There are definitely times when video call fatigue sets in and there’s no substitute for genuine face-time, but the regular updates factored into my week have been invaluable. People can ask me anything, and I love to touch base, hear about weekend trips, planned breaks or even what someone’s reading. I particularly enjoyed catching up with our new graduates last year too. These updates are something I’m determined to maintain, even when we’re all back in the office more regularly.

Gavin Neilan

Founding partner, Deutsche Finance International

On a personal level, one benefit of the crisis has been to re-enforce my appreciation of family and financial privilege, so I intend to spend a greater amount of time with my young children and identify more ways to ‘give back’. At DFI, I am super proud of the team we’ve built and our focus will be on maintaining our distinctive culture as well as sustaining the investment performance of our funds. I also look forward to starting the main construction works that will transform Olympia London into a world leading cultural destination.

Nick Moldon

Nick Moldon

Senior vice-president and head of UK and Germany, Pembroke

We want 2021 to be about staying connected, both as a team as well as continuing to reach out to our tenants and stakeholders. Despite the pandemic our team has been able to stay in touch and collaborate. We have continued to provide high quality customer service to our tenants throughout 2020, working with our building partners to ensure their needs were met during this difficult time. As we move into 2021, we want to build on these partnerships to ensure we create an environments where both our team and our occupiers can thrive.

Matt Bird

Head of UK, Cromwell Property Group

At Cromwell, my focus will be on growth of our business, maintaining a culture of openness and being a great place to work. As chair of the IPF Future Leaders Group it will be to continue to give a voice to those developing their careers. The IPF Mentoring scheme and more recently our industry-wide Virtual Huddles have enabled greater inclusivity and thought-sharing. It is vital that we attract and retain talent and challenge set norms. I am also looking forward to more face-to-face meetings in 2021 - we are a people industry – but it is important not to revert to the way things were pre-covid. We will continue to adopt new technologies that accelerate the development and implementation of ideas and reduce waste.

Michael Morris

CEO, Picton Property Income

There’s maybe just too many this year, but a few key ones include: to get as many people as possible to watch Extinction – The Facts. Not enough people realise what’s happening in front of us and how urgently we all need to think more about the future. Waste less. In fact, try to waste nothing! Reconnect with family, friends and work colleagues. We’ve all spent too long in a virtual world. Do all those things that 2020 didn’t allow.

Johnnie Wilkinson

CEO of Greenman Investments

My new year’s resolution is to not completely fall back into old work practices – reduce travel and physical meetings – in a post vaccine world. And to remove ‘reach out’ and ‘touch base with’ from the daily lexicon.

Maxwell Shand

Co-founder of YardNine

I want to continue seeking out great projects, partners and occupiers with whom we can create positive contributions to the built environment.

Arnaud Plat

Arnaud Plat

Senior partner, Invel

Find time to learn to play the piano.

Axel Boutrolle

Managing director, Linkcity

My personal resolution is to find a better balance between my work and health and spend more time exercising instead of commuting. My second resolution is for Linkcity to actively challenge and rally our partners and clients to push forward on their carbon reduction plans.

Tom Appleton

Chairman and co-founder, Rocket Properties

To continue to always think about people in our projects. The mentality towards the office has changed and developers, including us, need to respond and ensure this is reflected in the schemes we’re delivering. We’ve spent a lot of time getting to know our tenants this year, what they want and need, and how their priorities are changing – relationships we’ll be continuing next year and beyond.

David Ainsworth

David Ainsworth

Chief executive, CO-RE

When times are tough you dig deep. Experience of previous downturns and challenging events certainly counts at the moment, and I want to use mine to communicate the confidence of London and inspire the next generation to continue to reinvent this great city.

Ben Derbyshire

Chair, HTA Design

My new role as an Historic England Commissioner has offered a wonderful reminder, whilst movement has been limited to the daily commute to my garden shed, of the extraordinary riches of our built heritage. I have resolved to get out and about, as soon as limitations permit, to soak up the soul and appreciate the spirit of place that abounds – a latter-day Ian Nairn. Maybe I’ll invest in a Morris Minor convertible, like the one he drives in Nairn Across Britain. You can’t rush it, after all.

Sadie Morgan

Founding director and chair, Quality of Life Foundation

My new year’s resolution is to go back to painting. I have a tendency to say ‘yes’ to too many things, which means I’m constantly thinking about grand plans and strategy and missing the detail and focus that something like painting a picture can bring. It’s a good discipline and I hope it will give me a different lens to see subtleties like texture and light we can easily miss.

Sven Topel

Sven Topel

CEO, Brookgate

2020 showed the power of the science and technology sectors to provide systems that have allowed so many of us to weather the pandemic by remaining safe, connected and productive. And these sectors are now moving increasingly towards developing the tools that will allow the world to decisively beat Covid. Brookgate resolves to continue to support these extraordinary people by providing the environments they need to do their best work.

Robert Sloss


We resolve to be more collaborative and imaginative in developing post Covid live:work neighbourhoods. We want to unlock the huge potential to bring life back to central locations by providing space for creators and makers. This requires a change in mindset that means ground floor space is seen in terms of social, rather than commercial, value. We firmly believe that based on this social foundation, commercial value will follow.

Matthew Pullen

CEO, APO Group

To take my own predictions with a pinch of salt – a year ago we were all talking about a return to normality in 2020 after a year of Brexit and General Election uncertainty. Come what may though, we’ll be working hard to grab the market opportunity that’s finally here.

Dan Silverman, Spacemade

Dan Silverman

Co-CEO, Spacemade

Starting Spacemade with a clean sheet, my co-founder Jonny Rosenblatt and I, have had the benefit of creating the right company culture from the very beginning. Values like radical transparency and the uniqueness of each individual are important to both our team and clients and of course flexible working runs through the core of our business. Our team are encouraged to find the right place to work, from their homes, our office or our workspaces. As a start-up founder though I have found myself not working so flexibly. I have promised my family that in 2021 I will do as I preach and look up from my laptop a bit more regularly, be more present and a bit more flexible.

James Edwards

Director, Evans Randall Investors

I’m hoping that after the 2020 that we have all had, 2021 will bring an energy and urgency for people to get out, live in the world and do business, which will also help deliver much needed support to those sectors that have really been struggling.

Francesca Brady

Francesca Brady

CEO, AirRated

My new year’s resolution is really simple. I am committing myself to continue working with other industry leaders to continue raising awareness about the benefits and issues surrounding indoor air quality. Similarly, at AirRated, we’re going to be focusing on more research and development pieces, working collaboratively and continuing to use the data we collect in a really informative, meaningful and accessible way

Michael Grant

COO, Metrikus

My new year’s resolution aligns with Metrikus’: we want to continue to educate people on just how easy and cost-effective it is to make buildings smart, and how digitising can help create healthier, more productive spaces and effectively drive ROI.

Guy Windsor-Lewis

CEO and founder, Locale

If anything, this year has taught us to have a plan A, B and C in place, so strategic thinking and execution will be a priority for us in 2021.

David Greenbaum

Chief financial officer, CPI Property Group:

To travel more for business and with my family and to eat chili crab in Singapore.

Sue Shepherd

Realm’s general manager for London Designer Outlet

We all hope that 2021 will be a big improvement on 2020 in so many areas; the return of live sport and music in front of fans, no need for face masks and an end to the anxiety we have come to associate with Covid-19. My resolution is to continue to support the community here at London Designer Outlet as we adjust to whatever the ‘new normal’ is for 2021, accepting that some of our brand partners may need additional support and being here with the team to provide it.

Eugene Tavyev

Eugene Tavyev

Founder, Spacepool

I am keen to grow Spacepool’s portfolio and include more office space providers outside of London. Since last March, we’ve seen many people move to the country in search of space and access to nature, however, that doesn’t mean everyone wants to spend 100% of their work time at home. There is a significant gap in the market that we’re working hard to fill.

Melanie Leech

Chief executive, British Property Federation

My resolution for 2021 – both at work and home – is to do everything I can to play my part in the world’s shared challenge to tackle climate change. Our members are clear that the BPF must show leadership in championing good practice and I’m delighted we’re seconding one of my team to work with the UKGBC on a net zero roadmap for real estate in the run up to COP26. At home, 21st and 18th birthdays in 2021 for my sons has brought into even sharper focus the need to be accountable to our children and grandchildren for our stewardship of the planet.”

Read more of our expert’s New Year’s resolutions