Boxpark clashes with council over plans for Brighton's arches

Madeira Terraces

Boxpark’s proposal to redevelop Madeira Terrace has met with disapproval from Brighton council, which has its own plans for the arches.

So it came as a surprise when his proposals to renovate and redevelop Madeira Terrace, which is made up of 151 grade II-listed Victorian arches on Brighton seafront that have fallen into almost irreversible disrepair, was met with frostiness from his own local council.

The crux of the issue is that Brighton & Hove City Council has its own plans to revive and redevelop Madeira Terrace, and there is one point in particular on which it and Boxpark fundamentally disagree. The council hopes to restore the wrought-iron arches to their former glory and bring cultural uses to the spaces underneath them. Boxpark, on the other hand, believing that the council’s scheme is too small to be commercially viable, wants to build a larger mixed-use scheme that sits behind the arches.

You might think it’s a small difference. But small difference or not, it’s one that could mean Boxpark’s proposal is dead in the water before a planning application has even been submitted.

So what are the proposals in question? And what might the future hold for Madeira Terrace?

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