Intu extension puts Watford in the UK top 20 retail destinations

intu Watford extension 1

More food and leisure outlets join Debenhams in new tenant mix.

Debenhams’ opening was closely followed by a 5,000 sq ft Jack Wills store, an H&M and a New Look. Leisure operators Cineworld and Hollywood Bowl are poised to open in December along with a number of food and beverage occupiers and further announcements of aspirational retailers are expected imminently.

The 400,000 sq ft extension is still a work in progress but the now 1.4m sq ft mall has already propelled Watford to number 18 in CACI’s list of top UK retail destinations.

It has also had a huge impact on footfall. In the first week after Debenhams opened, the centre recorded a spike in footfall of 26% year on year.

Figures like that are exactly what intu will want to maintain given its capital outlay in the extension and the precarious state of the retail sector. But will it be able to given just how challenging the market is at the moment?

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