North Star set to add more shine to Swindon’s retail and leisure offer

Swindon Scheme

Scheme including indoor ski centre set to boost town’s appeal.

The 500,000 sq ft development, which the developer SevenCapital says would attract footfall of 3.3 million a year, features a 190,000 sq ft ‘real snow’ indoor ski centre; a 13-screen cinema; a 19-lane bowling alley; up to 46,000 sq ft of retail; and up to 6,200 sq ft of food and beverage outlets.

SevenCapital has already secured a number of pre-lets including Snow Centre, Hollywood Bowl, ski retailer Ellis Brigham and Empire Cinemas and says it has received offers for a new hotel from two well-known hoteliers.

North Star Village, which is a five-minute walk from the town’s railway station, offers a rare placemaking opportunity for Swindon, says director John Watkins.

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