Hargreaves Goswell Down, the niche City of London agency, has separated into two separate businesses

The firm was founded three years ago by former Cushman & Wakefield partners Colin Hargreaves and Angus Goswell, and Insignia Richard Ellis’s head of central London development, Stephen Down. It had the backing of European finance group Catella Property Group.

Hargreaves and Goswell will continue as Hargreaves Goswell and remain in the firm’s offices at Royal Exchange. They will no longer have a relationship with Catella.

Down, an office investment specialist, has set up a business supported by and called Catella. He plans to relocate to new premises by the end of September.

Both firms are looking to expand following the split and may co-operate on specific projects going forward.

‘It is business as usual for all of us really. Stephen will start the Catella office in London, and we’ll take stock and eventually look to recruit to take the office forward,’ said Hargreaves.