Jim Gill, chief executive of Liverpool Vision, will head up the as yet unnamed company, which will be launched an 1 April.

Gill, who was awarded an OBE for services to regeneration in 2006, will be charged with combining Liverpool Vision with BusinessLiverpool and Liverpool Land Development Company, to form the new 'superquango' company which will launch in April.

Building new found confidence

A lot has been achieved in recent times by all three organisations and we must not lose the momentum that has been created,’ he said.

‘It is my job to make sure the new company hits the ground running.

‘The current regeneration of the city's landscape and infrastructure, the growing enterprise culture, the resurrection of commercial activity and private sector confidence provides a huge opportunity for the city.

‘Working with the private sector on building on that new found confidence and investment in the city will be the central tenet of the new company.’

Gill has been chief executive at regeneration company Liverpool Vision since 2001 and oversaw the redevelopment of Liverpool city centre and the waterfront.