A coven of witches is claiming victory in its battle to get the name of a £350m Hammerson shopping centre changed. The Times. Daily Telegraph

The coven in Leicester objected when Hammerson gave the name Highcross Quarter to the extension of a shopping centre becaues the title is used to mark sacred times in the wicca calendar.

The witches and wizards registered several internet domain names using the term before setting up a website that they have used to discuss their beliefs.

Morrigan Wisecraft, a witch from Loughborough, said she was offered money to part with the titles, before Hammerson took the matter to the United Nations’ World Intellectual Property Organisation, which adjudicates on internet domain names.

In a statement, Richard Brown, senior development executive at Hammerson, said: ‘Initially, Highcross Quarter was used to describe the development to potential new retailers and to our city centre partners in recognition of the wider city regeneration.

‘It has now evolved to Highcross Leicester, which we believe will give it a stronger identity for customers and raise the profile not only of the development but also the city.’