All Expert comment articles – Page 34

  • Stock-market_credit_shutterstock_Phongphan_416888221

    Investors vote with their wallets


    When the UK’s top eight stock-market-listed housebuilders announced combined profit writedowns of more than £1bn over three days to pay for recladding, investors might have been expected to press the panic button. 

  • Green homes grant

    Green homes can transform the UK property landscape


    Greening up the UK housing market is a vital piece of the UK’s net zero puzzle. However, in order to rapidly deliver green and carbon zero homes, a number of obstacles will need to be overcome.

  • MMC housing

    Time to raise the bar on what can be achieved with MMC


    Within the current debate on modern methods of construction (MMC) and its opportunities and constraints in relation to house building, not enough attention is turned to the use of panellised systems, and how it could help MMC find its way into more UK placemaking projects.

  • Fire safety

    Is PAS 9980:2022 a proportionate approach to fire risk assessments?


    In January, Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 9980:2022 came into effect, a standard clarifying the regulations relating to fire risk assessments of the external walls and doors (FRAEWs) of multi-occupancy, multi-storey properties.

  • The Royal Courts of Justice

    ​What does the new Commercial Rent Act mean for landlords and tenants?


    The government recently passed the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022, which ends government interventions to prevent tenant insolvencies during the pandemic.

  • Office

    Wellbeing is key to future of the office


    In a world where people have the choice of where to work – whether that’s in the office, at home or in a café – it is now more crucial that office operators demonstrate value to their customers. 

  • Community

    The power of community funds


    Businesses on our campuses came together to support the tireless work of London’s small charities during the pandemic, demonstrating the power of collaboration. 

  • Houses London skyline

    We must help first-time buyers


    London’s first-time homebuyers have struggled to make ends meet for years as they take the first step towards what has always been seen as an inalienable right for the British – to own their own home. 

  • Star Living Harlow by Strawberry Star

    It is time to bet on build to rent


    Would you bet on build to rent (BTR)? As the industry watches many buy-to-let (BTL) landlords leave the market when faced with costly renovation bills to meet new Energy Performance Certificate standards, on top of a demanding tax regime, there appears to be a growing need for this booming sector.

  • Development site

    Are we going back to the 1970s?


    It is tempting to start claiming that we are reverting to the 1970s because of current energy price increases and global political instability. 

  • Net zero

    ​What are the challenges to the UK achieving net zero?


    One of the biggest blocks to the UK reaching its obligations to achieve net zero carbon status by 2050 is the fact that almost all the UK’s 29 million homes will need to be retrofitted in order to meet it, according to a Committee on Climate Change report. 

  • EPC

    ​The dangers of new regulations, and how the bridging sector can combat them


    By April 2025, any property being let to a new tenant must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C or higher, jumping significantly from the current minimum score of E.

  • Social value

    ​Social value is moving up the agenda for investors


    Social value and ESG permeated virtually every talk, roundtable and conversation at Mipim this year. The growing momentum around these themes and their link with the built environment and our urban centres is not new, but this year’s Mipim felt different.

  • Refugees_from_Ukraine_at_border_posts_in_the_west_of_the_country

    ​We must do more than enthusiastically welcome Ukrainian refugees


    In just a matter of days, more than 150,000 people eagerly registered for the government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme. However, if we are to truly help those facing an unimaginable crisis, then we must be able to provide more than an initial warm welcome, however heartfelt it may be.

  • Co-living generic

    ​Co-living is here to stay


    The collapse of co-living pioneer The Collective raised question marks over the future of co-living as an asset class. Yet just as WeWork’s dramatic fall from grace hasn’t spelled the end of co-working, neither will The Collective’s demise see the end of co-living.

  • Shopping centre

    Immersive experiences can aid recovery of physical retail


    There was promising news for the high street recently. According to the Centre for Cities think tank, overall footfall across the UK’s 63 biggest city centres in February was only 7% below where it was pre-Covid.

  • Tech

    ​Sensor tech is key for building management


    Whereas in the 1960s computers used to take up entire rooms, the advent of the microprocessor has led to the rise of the sensor and the internet of things. 

  • Prof Adam Boddison APM 2

    ​Who’s brave enough to ‘fail up’?


    If Lord Sugar had his way, every business mishap would end in the project manager being fired on the spot. 

  • EcoOnline_Harald Axelsen

    The Golden Rules for great crisis management


    Regardless of sector, no business is immune from potential crises. The way you manage them when they happen can make or break a business.

  • Manchester skyline

    Regional renaissance is under way


    Levelling up is a mystery to many people in UK property, but Sirius Real Estate’s acquisition of workspace group BizSpace for £380m last November has opened my eyes to the potential for the government’s initiative across the UK.