What if there was a way for every local community to have an immediate and positive influence on the way that their neighbourhood adapts to climate change? Commonplace has been showing exactly how it can be done.


Mike Saunders

It was one of two companies chosen to represent ‘Engaging Communities’ at COP26 (through PUBLIC and the Cabinet Office’s Tech For Our Planet showcase). Its chief executive and co-founder Mike Saunders talked on the international stage about how crucial proper communication was in the global fight against climate change.

“Cities, towns and neighbourhoods are where our lives happen. Getting them right can help solve massive problems, including adapting to climate change and reducing global emissions,” he said at the Tech For Our Planet showcase.

The main feature of the presentation was Commonplace’s partnership with After the Pandemic (ATP) and OnePlanet in the Rethink Glasgow project. The Rethink Glasgow Commonplace website allows residents and visitors to drop pins on an interactive map and make suggestions about how to make places more sustainable or flag any issues they have noticed.

Since its launch in September, the map has received thousands of comments that are currently being factored into the city’s Climate Action Plan. This project was featured on the BBC World Service radio programme, Fixing the World. The BBC journalist walked in a rainy Glasgow exploring the insights from the Heatmap and talking to some of the people behind them.

Commonplace is a community engagement platform that helps create better places with the support of the community. By making it easy to connect, understand and act on community feedback, Commonplace helps local authorities and developers make better, more inclusive decisions.

Whether it be sustainable transport, greener energy, building new homes or protecting green spaces, Commonplace’s Climate Engagement Hubs help organisations and communities work towards shared goals and making net zero an everyday reality.

Commonplace is keen to work with local authorities in the UK and around the world to help enable a climate change conversation in their area. They are offering all local authorities a complementary Community Heatmap for three months, similar to the Glasgow project, to support communities across the UK to fight climate change locally.

Mike Saunders is the chief executive officer & co-founder of Commonplace