The property sector is a dynamic and lucrative industry, yet it remains largely male-dominated. As we strive for inclusivity and diversity in all fields, it becomes imperative to address the gender disparity within the property sector. Encouraging more women to join and thrive in the industry not only fosters equality but also brings a fresh perspective to the table.

Michelle Niziol

Michelle Niziol

The property sector is a dynamic and lucrative industry, yet it remains largely male-dominated. As we strive for inclusivity and diversity in all fields, it becomes imperative to address the gender disparity within the sector. Encouraging more women to join and thrive in the industry not only fosters equality but also brings a fresh perspective to the table. 

One of the primary barriers preventing women from entering the property sector is a lack of awareness and education about the industry. Implementing targeted educational initiatives can bridge this gap. Outreach programmes, workshops and mentoring opportunities can expose women to the diverse career paths within real estate, construction and property development. By fostering an understanding of the industry from an early stage, women can make more informed decisions about pursuing a career in the property sector. 

Establishing mentoring programmes can significantly impact the career trajectories of women in property. Pairing aspiring female professionals with experienced mentors provides them with valuable guidance, support and insight. Such programmes can also help women navigate the challenges and nuances of the industry, enabling them to build the necessary skills and confidence for success. It’s crucial to create a culture where successful women actively participate as mentors, sharing their experiences and serving as role models for the next generation. 

Increasing accessibility 

The property sector traditionally demands long hours and extensive travel, which can be a deterrent for women, especially those balancing family responsibilities. Implementing flexible work policies – such as remote-work options, flexible hours and part-time opportunities – can make the industry more accessible to women. By accommodating diverse needs and lifestyles, companies in the property sector can attract and retain a more inclusive workforce. 

Addressing the gender pay gap is paramount in encouraging women to pursue careers in property. Companies should conduct regular salary audits to ensure equal pay for equal work. Moreover, recognising and celebrating the achievements of women within the industry through awards and promotions fosters a culture of equality. By creating an environment where women feel valued and fairly compensated, the property sector can break down existing barriers and build a more inclusive workplace.

and promotions fosters a culture of equality. By creating an environment where women feel valued and fairly compensated, the property sector can break down existing barriers and build a more inclusive workplace. 

Networking plays a pivotal role in career advancement, and the property sector is no exception. However, women may face challenges in accessing the same networks as their male counterparts. Creating targeted networking events, conferences and forums specifically designed to connect women in the industry can help build a supportive community. These platforms provide opportunities for women to exchange ideas, share experiences and establish professional connections that can propel their careers forward.

Leadership roles 

Leadership roles often set the tone for organisational culture. Actively promoting diversity in leadership positions within the property sector sends a powerful message about the industry’s commitment to inclusivity. Companies should adopt strategies to identify and groom talented women for leadership roles, creating a pipeline that encourages upward mobility. Having diverse voices at the decision-making table ensures a broader range of perspectives, fostering innovation and creativity within the industry. 

The property sector does not operate in isolation; it is influenced by various stakeholders, including government bodies, educational institutions and industry associations. Collaborative efforts between these entities can amplify the impact of initiatives aimed at attracting more women to the sector. Government incentives, educational partnerships and industry-wide campaigns can collectively contribute to breaking down barriers and creating a more welcoming environment for women in the property industry. 

Encouraging more women to enter and thrive in the property sector is not just a matter of equality – it’s a strategic imperative for the industry’s growth and innovation. By implementing educational initiatives, mentoring programmes and flexible work policies – and addressing pay gaps, providing networking opportunities, promoting diversity in leadership and fostering industry collaboration – the property sector can create a more inclusive and dynamic future. Embracing diversity isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s the key to unlocking the full potential of the property sector in the years to come. 

Michelle Niziol is an estate agent, mortgage broker, property investor and director of IMS Property Group