As it launches its Inspiring Diversity in Property Campaign, Property Week is calling for companies to put markers in the ground and be ambitious, and sign up to our pledge to do more.

Even if you know you may not quite achieve your goals sign up to our pledge and we promise to be your biggest supporters.

Every company signing this Pledge commits to establishing its own continuous improvement plan with measurable objectives and clearly defined outcomes.

For some, this plan will involve only small changes; for others, improvement may be a long-term business transformation project. Signatories agreed to …

1/ Attract, develop, and promote a more diverse workforce

Including promoting equality, making unconscious bias training mandatory for those involved in recruitment, making sure language in recruitment and job descriptions does not exclude anyone.

And devising and implement development programmes for protected characteristics that support meaningful career progression.

2/ Take steps to close pay gaps

Including offering flexible and remote working as standard and consider job shares; using market salary and internal pay data rather than asking candidates what they currently earn; ensuring interviewers are diverse; publish the wage ranges; looking for discrepancies between pay rates and ensure high achieving individuals are recognised equitably in succession planning.

3/ Champion and recognise the achievements of employees across all of the protected workplace characteristics

Including actively promote the success workforce diversity; including positive diverse role models in marketing, advertising and PR campaigns; ensure outreach programmes with schools and colleges target a more diverse population.

4/ Foster a culture of diversity and inclusiveness

Create programmes and policies that promote equality; work towards more balanced representation at both management and board level; ensure there are appropriate facilities; have a zero-tolerance approach to negative and demeaning behaviours; have a zero-tolerance approach to “banter” that undermines, belittles and excludes anyone; encourage reporting processes.

5/ To set annual EDI objectives and transparently publish progress

Communicate EDI goals with employees and partners; gather data to measure progress; share key metrics with employees and partners, highlighting both progress and setbacks; make diversity a core value

Download the pledge here, then email the signed version to to confirm your commitment and feature in our social media campaign.