Conygar offers new remedy for Boots Island in Nottingham

Illustrative Visual of the James Alexander Park from South West Gateway

Developer’s £500m mixed-use plan is latest attempt to revive former Boots HQ site, which has been derelict for decades.

In July, Conygar Investment Company and regeneration specialist Lavignac Securities submitted a planning application to transform the 40-acre site in Nottingham’s city centre into a new mixed-use neighbourhood. The scheme, which lies between Manvers Street and London Road in the city’s Eastside, will comprise 630,000 sq ft of offices, 907 homes, 666 student flats, a five-star hotel, shops and a public park.

It is a major development, but the Boots Island site has had a history of false dawns. So how likely is it that this latest proposal will be delivered?

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