After our promised week of going vegan (inspired by our client’s opening of The Good Life Café), Soph has decided to carry on but I have given into the temptation of scrambled eggs on toast. 

Spin class

The problem is I’m just not organised enough to plan meals and end up eating a lot of cereal and soya milk. I’m not much good at this ‘woke’ thing.

More annoyingly, a client we’ve been working with for three months has failed to pay us anything. When I phone up its finance department, I’m told we might be paid “tomorrow, next week, next month or next year – I can’t tell you when”. I’ve had to email my old firm to ask for the name of a debt collection agency.

We’re also a bit worried about being paid by another client who has taken us on for three months. Our brief was to get some national newspaper coverage for a report, which is essentially a corporate marketing doc in disguise. Worse is that it’s not in our comfort zone of real estate but the tech sector. We drew up an extensive media list from Roxhill and adopted the ‘spray and pray’ approach to sending it out.

It failed dismally.

Soph and I have just endured an excruciatingly awful 35-min call with the angry client. Lesson learnt: we’re sticking to real estate.