You’d be a bit peed off if you’d just left Pret A Manger, I thought, as news came through of the £1,000-each windfall for staff.

Spin class

And for £12m, it’s a great bit of PR for Pret. “We’re a company that looks after its staff” is what it says.

I spend so much time trying to persuade clients to have a “working with us” section on their website, plus the company values and a proper CSR section. Some agree to it, but they never sound like they are particularly interested – like me when my colleague Ollie shouted across the room about some England footballer and a tattoo of a gun.

I was at my desk, agonising over a pitch document. What to do about diversity? We are pitching to a load of men and one woman – the head of marketing. Will they be interested in my plea for them to be seen as a good employer?

Probably not – I’ve never seen it included in any brief sent to PRs. Diversity: as popular as sustainability – that will be my catchline.

“Henrietta, a journalist at The Times claims Amazon’s press office is the most unpleasant in the business and worse than the Tamil Tigers,“ Ollie exclaims.

“That’ll come back to bite them,” I reply. “If you’re rude on the way up, then you’ll get hit hard when the shit hits the fan. Look at Facebook.”

That’s something to discuss at tomorrow’s pitch – don’t be rude to hacks. If only I could persuade the company to employ more women.





